Vitamin d deficiency

Let's talk about Vitamin D. It is estimated that around 3 billion people globally have Vitamin D insufficiency and Vitamin D deficiency has been linked with countless acute and chronic diseases including Covid-19 (1). A lot of patients that I see in clinic have sub-optimal or low Vitamin D levels (observed via Serum 25OHD). ⁠

Vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining healthy mineral and bone metabolism by supporting serum calcium and phosphorus levels. It also regulates arterial blood pressure, can prevent cardiovascular complications, modulates immune responses, regulates insulin production, prevents against diabetes and protects against certain cancers (2)⁠

Testing for Vitamin D deficiency⁠

Serum 25OHD is the marker for vitamin D status and blood levels of 50 nmol/L of your standard pathology tests is considered the minimum necessary to meet your body's needs but anything below 100 nmol/L is insufficient and not optimal. We want to aim for over 100nmol/L for our bodies to be operating effectively.

How to increase your Vitamin D

It is difficult to increase your vitamin D from dietary intake alone as very few foods contain significant amounts. Sources include high fat fish (salmon, herring, mackerel, cod liver oil), eggs, sun dried mushrooms (baking them in the sun increases Vit D)⁠

Sun exposure to your hands, face and arms for 5-15 minutes per day at least 2-3 times per week can provide adequate amounts. ⁠



D3 (cholecalciferol) is considered the most bioavailable form but it is important to see a health practitioner to understand the proper dosage related to your specific needs. ⁠

⁠Let me know if these types of posts are informative and helpful and what you'd like to know about next.⁠



1. Exploring links between vitamin D deficiency and COVID-19 PMID: 32946517⁠

2. Pharmacologic role of vitamin D natural products PMID: 23713872


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