Keeping Kids Healthy Through Winter: Easy Ways to Support Their Immune System

As a Mumma of 2 young kids and with 1 at Kinder, I know firsthand how important it is to keep our little ones healthy, especially during the winter months when everyone seems to be constantly sick.

Here are a few tips to support your kids' immune systems naturally:

1. Load up on wholefoods: Let’s start with the basics: a healthy diet. Make sure your kids get plenty of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins. Variety is key here! Think oranges/kiwis/capsicum for vitamin C, berries for antioxidants, and yoghurt or kefir for probiotics – all great for fighting off bugs.

2. Drink Up (Water, That Is!): Hydration is key! Keep those water bottles filled and even encourage herbal teas to be sipped. I love using YEP tea for a fever, chamomile tea to ease into bedtime and licorice & peppermint tea if they have a sore tummy.

3. Sleep Tight: Sleep is when our bodies recharge. Set a bedtime routine with calming activities like reading or gentle stretching. Less screen time before bed means better sleep, too. In our family, we ensure we're all off our devices from 5 - 7pm when we're doing the dinner/bedtime routine with the kids. So nice to connect as a family for a few hours without any interruptions. 

4. Get Moving: Exercise not only supports physical health but also enhances immune function. Encourage outdoor activities whenever possible, even in colder weather. Indoor options like dancing, yoga, or active play are also great. 

5. Keep Stress in Check: Even kids can get stressed! Help them unwind with deep breathing, mindfulness, or creative hobbies like drawing or writing.

6. Wash, Wash, Wash: Teach good hygiene habits, like washing hands before meals and covering coughs and sneezes. It’s the best way to stop germs in their tracks.

7. Soak Up Some Sun (Safely!): Sunlight helps our bodies make vitamin D, which keeps our immune systems strong. Encourage outdoor play whenever you can, and consider a vitamin D supplement in winter. (Always consult with a healthcare practitioner)

8. Consider Supplements or Herbal Medicine: I love using strain specific probiotics, vitamin C, zinc, vitamin D and herbs such as echinacea, olive leaf, reishi, astragalus with my patients. As a qualified Naturopath, I can prescribe high grade practitioner only supplements for your kids. Consider booking a Kids Health appointment here.

9. Expert Advice Always Helps: As a naturopath specializing in women’s and children's health, I’m here to help. 

These tips aren’t just about keeping colds at bay – they’re about setting your kids up for a healthy, happy winter. A little bit of natural care goes a long way!


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