Consultations are offered at Embrace Womens Health in Armadale Melbourne or via Telehealth.
Embrace Womens Health Location - 84 Wattletree Road, Armadale, 3143, VIC
If you've booked a Telehealth appointment, you will be sent a appointment link in your booking confirmation email. If you are a new patient or haven't seen Emily in over 12 months, please book an Initial Consultation. If you have pathology to go over, please book an extended return appointment and email this to prior to your appointment.
Naturopathy Initial Consultation $220 (60 minutes)
Extended Return $165 (45 minutes)
Return $125 (30 minutes)
Naturopathy Child Initial Consultation $165 (45 minutes)
Naturopathy Child Return Consultation $125 (30 minutes)
Naturopathy Couples Initial Consultation $370 (90minutes)
Naturopathy Couples Return Consultation $210 (60 minutes)